Dove's Social Media Mistake

Recently, Dove posted an ad on Facebook that was considered racially insensitive by many, and they received a lot of backlash for it. The ad showed an African American woman wearing a dark brown shirt, and then taking it off to become clean with a lighter skinned woman in a white t-shirt. This was completely misrepresenting the message that Dove was trying to get across, and Dove made a formal apology on Twitter and deleted the advertisement.

This is not the first time that Dove has had their message come across in an insensitive way, and their PR time has previously had to make statements in 2011 about a racially discriminative post and clarify their message. Dove, along with other brands, need to ensure that their posts are considerate towards all races, genders, etc. and be careful about how their message comes across. This could easily make or break a brand.


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